2012 Articles
The Newly Improved IPCC
Canada Free Press (2012) and
Principia Scientific International (2012).

The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) has been predicting a rising temperature doom and gloom scenario for the last 20 years or so. Al Gore
received a Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for propagating that scenario.
It's the Sun, after all
Canada Free Press (2012) and
Principia Scientific International (2012).

A leaked draft of the UN's IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) forthcoming 5th assessment report has some explosive new revelations:
Switchable Water
Canada Free Press (2012) and
Principia Scientific International (2012).

Some media are abuzz with the latest invention, Switchable Water, and other "switchable" things. If you believe the stories, these switchables will
solve all kinds of problems,...
Solution = Bigger Problem Ahead
Canada Free Press (2012).
History is full of examples of Solutions to a perceived problem which have turned sour a little while later. The latest idea of geo-engineering is just another
example of what can (and would) go wrong, if pursued.
Little Green Martians
Canada Free Press (2012).
Get ready: This coming Monday, December 3, 2012, we may be given a whole new reason to visit our planetary next of kin, i.e. Mars. NASA's said to release
important new information from its robotic rover named Curiosity.
Lemmings Galore
Principia Scientific International (2012).

You'll probably have come across the term "like lemmings" before.
Bed Bugs Unite! — [Satire]
Canada Free Press (2012).
Bloomberg News reports that bed bugs succumbed on exposure to human blood when the victims ingested blood containing a certain drug.
A Murder
Canada Free Press (2012).

... of a different kind —
To Alan Caruba, a Friend I never Met
Canada Free Press (2012).
Alan Caruba is a journalist of renown. He is a regular contributor to Canada Free Press and other news outlets.
Climate and the Oceans
Canada Free Press (2012) and
Principia Scientific International (2012).

The August issue of Water 21, the official magazine of the International Water Association has an article by Lis Stedman on "Reports warn of
climate change impact on oceans" that is highly misleading.
Evening News in the Boonies
Canada Free Press (2012).
The evening news comes on at 11 pm and lasts for half an hour. Out here in the boonies, it is a major part of the daily entertainment.
The Bell Toils for You
Canada Free Press (2012).
Just a few years ago, Ma Bell used to be the only game in town when it came to phone service.
The Death of Paper?
Canada Free Press (2012).
That file must be somewhere on my old hard drive, just need to find it ... .
More Scum
Canada Free Press (2012).
In a recent paper on the eutrophication — over fertilization — of Canada's Lake Winnipeg...
Computers Amok
Canada Free Press (2012).
Trading in stocks and commodities has become a giant business of super computers (and programs) competing with each other. The machines are analyzing and
determining what to sell or to buy within split seconds, often in multi-million dollar trades.
Of Parrots and Fish
Canada Free Press (2012).
Well, not exactly, just the parrotfish.
Devils Drowning - Nope
Canada Free Press (2012).
Are the devils drowning? I mean the Tasmanian Devils, mammals of a medium-sized dog, native to New Zealand and Tasmania.
Nothing Beats a Good Con
Canada Free Press (2012).
Nothing beats a good con. Judging from recent revelations, they are still worth the money.
King Coal - No More?
Canada Free Press (2012).
You know that you have arrived in the history books when your discards are being elevated to World Cultural Heritage status. The UN has just done that
with the entire Calais coal mining region of northern France, slag heaps and all.
Social Justice
Canada Free Press (2012).
Social justice is in the eye of the beholder. It will have entirely different meanings for a well-to-do metropolitan-type city dweller compared to a
subsistence farmer in the middle of anywhere.
To Flush or Not to Flush
Canada Free Press (2012).
To flush or not to flush, that's the question. Municipal sewer system operators are finding that they have to compensate for the 'green' low flush toilets.
Who would have thought that?
The West does Away with Itself - Islam
Canada Free Press (2012).
In 2010, former German Bundesbank-Vorstand and Ex-Senator of Berlin, Thilo Sarrazin, published his book "Deutschland schafft sich ab: Wie wir unser Land
aufs Spiel setzen." The title translates, more or less, to "Germany does away with itself: how we gamble with our country."
Nuclear Renaissance?
Canada Free Press (2012) and
Principia Scientific International (2012).

Is a nuclear renaissance around the corner?
It may just happen. For example, Japan has just announced its intention to restart some of their nuclear power plants (NPPs). France is planning to increase
its electricity production by NPPs from currently 50% to 90% of its national needs. Pakistan, India and China are rapidly expanding their NPP construction programs.
Even in the US, new NPPs are on the drawing boards and in the permitting stage.
Suzuki's Green Babies
Canada Free Press (2012).
The David Suzuki Foundation is dispensing advice on "Having a Green Baby". "I've plans to 'green' this life-altering bundle of joy and curb its added
impact on the planet, starting with diapers."
The New Flat Earth Society
Canada Free Press (2012).
The new flat earth society is not a fringe group of a few people living in the middle of nowhere. It is to be found at the Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS),
not to be confused with the Goddard Space Flight Center, personified by its leader for many years, Dr. James E. Hansen.
Dinosaurs' Flatulence
Canada Free Press (2012).
Believe it or not, the real cause of the "global warming," pardon, "climate change" problem has been found. A new modeling study by British scientists claims
that "giant dinosaurs could have warmed the planet with their flatulence."
If I were a Weed
Canada Free Press (2012).
If I were a weed, I'd feel so much happier now. All the new eco-friendly laws let me breathe and procreate more easily.
For the History Museum
Canada Free Press (2012).
Have you seen a mail box lately? They are going the way of the dodo. Time used to be when there was one on nearly every corner. Now you are lucky to find one at all.
Earth Day and Agenda 21
Canada Free Press (2012).
We all feel a need to belong. Your family is important to you and you to them. We also like to be appreciated by peers, to contribute work and ideas to
groups of people, and generally to be considered helpful and caring.
Moths Anyone?
Canada Free Press (2012).
If you still own items made from (real) wool, you'll likely have noticed the lack of adequate moth sprays. The stuff you can buy these days barely annoys them.
It sure does not prevent damage to your woolen items.
Watching the Spots
Canada Free Press (2012).
...the sunspots that is. You might ask why?
The Drowning Polar Bear Myth
Canada Free Press (2012).

Unwelcome news — for the drowning polar bear myth believers: Not only are the bears not drowning, they are thriving instead.
The Moors Can Go
Canada Free Press (2012).
"The moor has done his duty, the moor can go," says a character in Friedrich von Schiller's play, Fiesco's Conspiracy at Genoa. Anyone who has read
about the history of major revolutions will come to the same conclusion: The initial revolutionaries are all being destroyed by the latter-day power takers.
Canada Free Press (2012).
As you may have noticed, democracy ain't anymore what it used to be. From "smart meters" and engineered brownouts, to anything else supposedly "good for you,"
new rules abound.
The Scam of Scum
Canada Free Press (2012) and
Principia Scientific International (2012) and
Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionay Leaps (2012).
Algae, the green stuff suspended in and floating on the surface of over-fertilized (polluted) water, AKA scum, is supposed to save America's dependence on
foreign crude oil. The President has said so. He stated that "up to 17% of the oil we import for transportation" could be replaced with this fuel.
Credit Rating
Canada Free Press (2012).
The bureaucrats of the European Parliament have proposed a new law that would allow them to forbid Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs) from publishing assessments
of their countries' credit ratings. The lawmakers are upset about recent rating downgrades of European states by major CRAs.
Dear Aunt Solyndra,
– satire
Canada Free Press (2012).
Dear Aunt Solyndra,
Sorry not have written to you for a while. Life is just so hectic. I have been very busy with my new company, the Green Wonder Technology Inc. We are making all
kinds of novel green energy systems from solar panels, to ...
The Red Herring CO2
Canada Free Press (2012).
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is claimed to be THE greenhouse gas villain. Al Gore, and many others, including the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
governments, industrial leaders and, of course, countless "NGOs" (Non Government Organizations) have proclaimed it for years.
Thor(ium) to You
Ezine Articles (2012).
Thorium was discovered nearly 200 hundred years ago by the Swedish scientist Jakob Berzelius (1779-1848), who named the new element after Thor, the
mythical nordic God of Thunder.
Canada Free Press (2012).
My new granddaughter — not yet a week old — definitely has smartphone thumbs.
Dear Cousin Punxsutawney Phil,
Canada Free Press (2012).
Once again, mid-winter is near, and it's time to send you my annual greetings. Hope you and the family are alright and enjoying life at the edge of the
meadow; any more offspring coming along?
Double Digit Growth
Canada Free Press (2012).
"Double Digit Growth" (DDG) is de rigueur, particularly the "double digit" part. However, it may still not be enough. If you invest in stocks,
you'll learn that anything less than double digit growth of revenue, or expectation for such is unacceptable. At least, that's what the markets tell you. Anything
less than DDG and, typically, the stock is being pummeled severely.
Missed the Train?
Canada Free Press (2012).
By a second?
Don't worry — nature is coming to your rescue.
The Hagia Sophia, and Freedom of Religion
Canada Free Press (2012).
The Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, not far from the well known Blue Mosque, has been the centre point of the Eastern Orthodox Church for over one thousand years.
The first recorded structure dates back to the 4th century.